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Out of the Darkness into the Light

Out of Darkness

Into Light

How to
Get Through the Dark Days of  Winter

A 4-Week Mindfulness Program to

Treat Seasonal Affective Disorder 100% Naturally

Weekly Themes

Tree Wilderness Sunshine
Tree Wilderness Sunshine
Tree Wilderness Sunshine
Tree Wilderness Sunshine


Feeling Safe in the Darkness



Letting Go



Returning to Strength



Opening to the Light

What's Included Each Week


inspiration to focus your week


reset your mood anytime and anywhere


calm your nerves many times a day


establish your balanced baseline


simple tasks to complete each week


The darkness of winter doesn't have to be all cold and ugly.

It can be a time to turn inside yourself and heal wounds of the last year.


The wintertime blues creep up on you. The lack of sunlight clouds your mind. Worries and anxieties lead to endless string of sleepless nights. As fatigue sets in, the days feel longer, and the heaviness of it all makes you wish you could crawl under the covers and not come out until spring.


I endured the heavy-snow weight of seasonal affective disorder (S.A.D.) for most of my life.


Then, one year, I built a blanket fort and climbed into it with my journal. I invited Old Man Winter to sit with me and my inner child and drink hot chocolate. There, I remembered all the good things about winter that came naturally to me as a child.


Now, instead of suffering through an annual temporary depression, I enjoy what I call my Healing Hibernation Time. I invite you to build your own blanket fort and join me.


This four-week program details a simple and practical self-care practice to help you

  • treat seasonal depressive disorder naturally

  • use the winter season as a time to heal and grow

  • connect with your inner snow-child

  • relish the snowflake wonders of winter

"At the darkest time of the year and during a pandemic, this program was a pure blessing. Learning that Gratitude calms Grief was so profound."


"This program was a source of light through the silent & solitude filled days of December. I really enjoyed the recorded audio lessons and meditations, as well as breathwork, which I'm starting to rely on more as a tool."

"Working with TeriLeigh is like a brainstorming exercise that pulls subconscious thoughts to the surface. I have learned that I LOVE MYSELF, and I am able to be fully consciously in contact with myself."


"I learned that there is a difference between depression and grieving, and that this winter, I am going through a major detox:  emotionally, physically and mentally. The good news is I won't get stuck. I now have the tools to get through this and be better for it."


Image by Marcos Paulo Prado

The weeks around

the winter solstice
are the darkest of the year

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