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MOZI Your way to mindfulness Book Cover Teri Leigh

6 Weeks

10-Second Exercises

10X a Day

1 Exercise per Week

Remember Your Muchness

Mozi Great Dane Animated Sitting

Stress is the number one cause of both physical and mental illness, and the biggest villain to your muchness. Mindfulness practices, specifically yoga and meditation are scientifically proven to be the best stress management treatments available without a prescription. While yoga and meditation can reduce stress, reset your nervous system, and balance your hormones, who has time for that when you’re stressed NOW!

"This book was written simply and goes over the information wonderfully."


"Everyone needs to read this book. it is a way of life!"


"I sent a friend this book, and she immediately ordered ten copies for her clients."


"This book makes mindfulness so simple. My life is changed for the better after reading this."


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