Love is easy when you are mindful.
After enduring the pain of failed marriages, Neil (the Hobbit) and TeriLeigh (the Owl) came together in "love the second time around." We created 5 Mindful Love Practices to ensure we don't make the same mistakes or fall into the same traps we did in our first marriages.
I am blessed with a simple mind and active imagination. Getting a rickety thing off the ground is more my superpower than creating the perfect rocket ship. I am a workaday automaton whose programming is more R2D2 than C3P0. On my own time I am a writer, researcher, composter, and tinkerer. I emerged from a loveless and broken marriage with an overwhelming sense of gratitude. My life with Owleigh is more mindful than my prior relationship. Our world is simpler; my mind is clearer, and
I have a greater sense of self and purpose.
I am a strong, confident, independent, sensuous, articulate, curious, quirky, intelligent, sensitive, intuitive, self-aware creature all wrapped up in an x-small package. I believe in writing in ink, crossing out, and making a mess because the mess is the fun. After ten years of putting his needs before my own, my first husband left me to live as a celibate monk. A few years later, I started over with a fresh clean sheet of paper with Hobbit. This time around, we have committed to love in a different way. We are more mindful, more conscious and careful with each other and our relationship.